Money back guarantee

Buy more travel money for better prices and don‘t worry about your unspent currency!

Discover all the advantages of our money back guarantee.

When you are about to travel abroad, there are always last-minute worries: Where can I get my holiday money? How much should I get? What if I exchange too much? Also, not getting enough travel money for your expenses can be a problem: you realise you don't have enough cash, you have to look for a place to get some more, just to discover that exchange rates are poorer for split amounts, some companies even charging fees.

Well, Global Exchange offers you the perfect solution: the money back guarantee.

Now you can travel with your mind at ease, knowing that you will have enough travel money for your expenses. And if you don’t spend as much as you thought, at Global Exchange we buy back your unused currency. We buy back up to 50% of what you exchanged (terms apply according to branches) and you can sell within 50 days since the first transaction and the same exchange rate.


Advantages of the money back guarantee

  • More travel money for your trips.
  • Sell us back up to 50% of the leftover currency at no cost.
  • Available at any of our branches in Costa Rica.
  • Sell us back up to 50 days since your first transaction.

Money back guarantee is valid at branches in Costa Rica. Reimbursed amount shall be up to 50% of the initially transacted amount.

Transactions are subject to a minimum amount and to terms and conditions established in each exchange branch. More information and conditions at branches.

Offer available only to the person who performed the first transaction. You will be required to show your ID and original receipt. We will pay you in cash. Money back guarantee only available for transactions carried out in person at our foreign exchange branches (not valid for online orders). This offer does not affect customer statutory rights.


Buy more travel money for better prices and relax.

Online money order: best price guaranteed

Order your currency now and collect it at the branch of your choice.

Pre-order your currency
Your best rate

Always there for you

  • Collect and pay at our branches
  • Best price guaranteed: get a 15%* off.

*You are enjoying a 15% off compared to standard prices at our branches (discount applicable on exchange margin).

I have a discount code

Online money order.

Collect and pay in our branches.

Why changing currency with us is better than with your bank?

    Global Exchange Global Exchange     Your high-street bank
Variety of currencies   35. We are specialists   Only major currencies. Travel money is just a secondary business for banks.
Availability of currencies   Ever ready, immediately, in our branches at the airport.   Banks order currency and have to await delivery.
Expenses   Only the exchange rate, without any additional charges, and if you order it online you get the best price.   The bank has its own margin and adds a commission.
Different denominations available   Of course! We care about you and your needs while you travel abroad.   No. Prepare for refusals and complaints in foreign languages when paying with «big» banknotes.
Delivery options   Collect at the airport/branch of your preference. It is all about comfort!   You must visit your bank at least twice, and wait meanwhile for your money to arrive. 
What do I do with my leftover currency when I come home?   We buy it back from you at the airport, just as when you ordered online.   You must return to your bank. They may buy your currency back at a worse rate and then charge you a commission.
Anything else?   Yes: our Iberia Plus Customers who reserve online earn Avios for their purchases, as when they buy at the airport.   Avi-what? No sir! This is a bank, not an airline company!